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I Am Bloom


A woman who collaborated with me in A Walk With Lady Wisdom feels these words break out of her as she reaches for more life alone and alongside all women.

There is no more arriving I am here No more hustling to ensure my survival I am loved No more comparing to give myself the upper hand I am beautiful No more competing to prove my worth I am good No more illusions that there is a dry barren empty source of womb existing in me I am a well-spring of love No more fear of dying, decomposing compost I am transforming No more hiding my mosaic multi-colored wings I am flying No more gagging my intuitive voice I am speaking with it No more holding myself back from the cliff jump I am trust No more covering my face I am laughing wide-mouth, head back No more pride needing to go it on my own I am linking arms with you No more dimming the warmth or cooling the brightness I am radiant fire No more shame sitting against the wall by myself I am at the table No more colluding with patriarchal hierarchies I am woman standing with men who honor the feminine within No more scraping the leftovers off the floor after the party is over I am full No more resistance to the gentle unfolding of brilliant hue I am bloom


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